Our Kindergarten class just finished a lesson on the Italian artist, Amedeo Modigliani. They learned how he made portraits and self-portraits, using African masks as his inspiration. All of his portraits shared similar characteristics. They all had oval faces, tilted heads, almond eyes, long noses, small mouths, and black outlining. The students utilized the brush and paint bucket tools in Photoshop to create these masterpieces. Well done Kindergarten!
Avriel Brandon
Domenic Emma
Ethan Frankie
Gabriel Jayden
Jolon Joseph A.
Joseph K. Levinia
Noah Santino
Please send the images to me at srybak@journalregister.com. I would like to make a slideshow for our website. Please pick the best ten of your choice-make sure the names are included. A Brief burb would be good also! Sue Ann Rybak-staff reporter at THE REVIEW