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Monday, August 18, 2014

6th-8th Grade Supply Lists

2014-2015 Cycle for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades

Kimberly Fullam: 6th grade homeroom; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science and social studies 

Laura Claxon: 7th grade homeroom; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade literacy/language arts

Allison McConnell: 8th grade homeroom; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade mathematics

The following is a list of materials that your child will need for class. We recommend that you review this list with your child at the beginning of each month to see if any school supplies need to be refilled.

In order to get everyone organized, each student will be given folders and notebooks for all major subjects. When these are consumed, students must replace the notebooks and folders. Keeping organized, up-to-date notebooks in all subject areas is extremely important. In most subject areas, notebooks will be collected, reviewed, and graded at least once during each unit of study.


  • homework assignment book.
  • pencils
  • pens/erasable pens - black or blue ink only
  • highlighters (at least 2 colors)
  • crayons, colored pencils, markers
  • clear ruler (in. and cm.)
  • 8 1/2 x 11 inch white loose leaf-paper for all assignments that are handed in
  • graph paper (1/4 in.)
  • bookbag
  • 2 boxes of tissues
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • 1 ream of copy paper
  • dictionary and thesaurus for home use
  • calculator for home use
Thank you for your consideration. We are looking forward to a successful and rewarding school year!

Kimberly Fullam, Laura Claxon, Allison McConnell

5th Grade Supply List

Fifth Grade Supply List

Room 204
  • 4 notebooks
  • 2 folders
  • sharpened pencils
  • large glue stick
  • enclosed pencil sharpener
  • box of crayons / colored pencils / markers
  • 2 book covers
  • bookbag
  • ruler (in. and cm.)
  • box of tissues
  • roll of paper towels
  • homework assignment book
  • highlighters

2nd Grade Supply List

Second Grade Supply List

Room 107
  • 3 marble composition books
  • 2 packs of 3x5 cards
  • 1 box of crayons (16 or 24 count only)
  • 3 sharpened pencils
  • 3 glue sticks
  • 2 pink erasers
  • 1 zip pencil case
  • 2 folders with bottom pockets
  • 2 boxes of tissues
  • 1 large Ziploc bag
  • 1 container disinfecting wipes
  • 1 roll of paper towels 
  • 1 clipboard
  • $5 for the scholastic News Magazine (Please put the money in an envelope with your child's name on it)
  • 1 pack of addition and subtraction flashcards (0-20 or 0-18)

2014-2015 Third Grade Supply List

Third Grade Supply List

Room 206

  • 1 lg. zippered pencil case (no plastic boxes)
  • 4 tennis balls with slits(cover the ends of their chairs)
  • 10 sharpened #2 pencils
  • 1 pink eraser
  • 5 vinyl pocket folders (Read, Math, Science, Social Studies, homework)
  • 1 Oxford tri-fold pocket folder w/3 pockets-found either at Staples or Office Max
  • 5 Mead composition books (non spiral, non perforated) 
  • 1 hard cover one-half inch 3 ring binder (inside pockets and clear outside pockets only) for data collection
  • 5 dividers for the binder
  • 1 Mead Spiral notebook (70 pages, wide ruled, non perforated)Writing journal
  • 1 pair scissors
  • 1 standard/metric ruler (unadorned, cm,in) preferably wooden
  • 1 box of 24 crayons
  • 1 sharpener
  • 1 large Elmer's glue stick
  • 2 large box of tissues
  • 1 Clorox wipes
  • 1 hand sanitizer
  • 2 roll of paper towels
  • 1 red ballpoint pen
  • 1 highlighter
  • 2 black expo markers with washcloth to use as an eraser
  • Lunch Box (labeled with student's name and room number if you are planning on packing lunch)
  • 1 pack of writing wide ruled paper
  • 1 pack of paper for the copier machine
  • USB memory stick with students name on it

Sunday, August 17, 2014

First Grade Supply List

First grade Supply List

Room 108

School Supply List
  • $6.00 for Scholastic News Subscription and Science Spin magazine (in on envelope with
  • your child's name)
  • Large zippered pencil case (no plastic boxes, please; they don't fit in our desks)
  • 1 Box of crayons (15 or 24 preferred)
  • Pencils (Please send 4 sharpened pencils to school each day)
  • 1 Large pink eraser
  • 5 Folders with bottom pockets (Writing, Homework, Classwork, Tests, Guided Reading)
  • 4 Composition Books (Journal, Language Arts, Social Studies/Moth, and Science)
  • Scissors
  • 1 standard / metric ruler (12 inches/30 cm)
  • 1 Large glue stick
  • Dry Erase markers, with small cloth or old sock to use on eraser
  • 2 Boxes of tissues
  • Small pencil sharpener to keep at home (sharpened pencils will be part of homework)
*Wish List items* These items ore not required but are always helpful!
  • Ream of copy paper
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Paper towels
Please label all school supplies and book with your child's name! Many children bring the same items and it is really helpful to be able to identify whose items are whose.
Thank you!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

2014-2015 4th Grade Supply List

2014 -2015 SCHOOL YEAR

ROOM 208: Ms. Linder

Personal Supplies – Whenever possible please label these supplies with your child’s name.
  1. Seven sturdy folders with pockets (No binders, please!)
  2. Two marble composition books
  3. One pencil case (No boxes, please)
  4. One pencil sharpener that holds the shavings 
  5. Twenty-four sharpened pencils (No mechanical pencils, please!)
  6. One pair of school scissors
  7. One glue stick
  8. Four LOW ODOR dry erase markers
  9. One box of crayons (No more than 24, please!)
  10. Three book socks or covers (Please do not purchase covers that stick to the cover of a book.) 

Classroom Supplies:

  1. Twenty-four sharpened pencils 
  2. One pencil sharpener that holds the shavings 
  3. One package of lined paper 
  4. Two containers of Lysol wipes (Any brand is fine.)
  5. Three boxes of tissues 
  6. Two bottles of hand sanitizer 
  7. One roll of paper towels

Monday, August 11, 2014

Kindergarten Supply List

James Dobson Room 101 
Kindergarten Supply List 2014-2015

Room 101 Deborah Roman

Please do not label:
1 blue folder (2 pocket)
4 ct Dry Erase Marker pack
old white sock (we use as erasers)
3 pack of glue sticks
5” blunt scissors
Crayola 8ct Jumbo crayons
box of tissues

Pick one from each line for classroom pantry:
1 pack of white printer paper OR 1 pad of construction paper
one container of Lysol wipes OR Baby wipes
one small box of gallon size baggies OR sandwich size baggies  ** with ziplock close

Please label:
old shirt for art/painting
plastic bag of extra clothing for emergencies: socks, underwear, pants, shirt
backpack labeled with child’s name

Enjoy the rest of your days before the World of Kindergarten begins! J