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Friday, February 28, 2014

Coming This Week: March 3rd

COMING THIS WEEK: March 3, 2014 **Updated**

SWEBS FOCUS:  Rule #4-I will solve my problems peacefully.

Dobson is conducting a mid-year Library review this week. Parent volunteers will be working with Ms. Paldino and Ms. Tierney to reorganize our Library, Tuesday, March 4th-7th.


Monday, March 3rd

  •  Read Across America: Dr. Seuss Day
    • Has been moved to Wednesday, March 5th due to potential inclement weather.

Tuesday, March 4th

  • Dobson celebrates the 100th Day of School.
    If we are canceled due to snow, our 100th Day of school celebrations will take place on Friday, March 7th.

Wednesday, March 5th

  • Read Across America: Dr. Seuss Day
    • All students will participate in our Annual, Read Across America, Dr. Seuss day with some cake and a visit from some very special guests.  Each class will read "Horton Hears A Who" with a guest.

Thursday, March 6th

  •  Dobson's Annual African American History Assembly will take place at 2:00pm in the auditorium.  The assembly will feature presentations about famous African Americans from Philadelphia and how they have contributed to our city and our country, the Dance Team and Choir will perform, and class performances.Has been moved to Wednesday, March 14th and will be combined with our Student of the Month Celebrations.
  • Home and School Meeting at 6:00pm in the Auditorium

Friday, March 7

  • Fun Friday and 4th Grade Bake Sale
  • If we are canceled due to snow, our 100th Day of school celebrations will take place on Friday, March 7th.

Mark your calendar

  • Wednesday, March 12th:
    • Half Day for Students (12:10 dismissal)
    • Student of the Month and Annual African American History Assembly 
  • Friday, March 14th: Annual Doors of Dobson Contest
  • Sunday, March 23rd: The 8th Grade will be hosting a Flap Jack Fundraiser from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at Applebee’s located at 8601 Henry Avenue.



Before Reading Strategies 
The test is on your desk. What do you do now?
  •  Open the Proper Mental “Files” 
    • When you are told to start, scan the test section you are working on. 
    • Think of the test as several small jobs - not one big one. 
    • Identify the type of reading, writing, science, or math you will be answering questions about. 
    • Get your head into the right mindset.
  • Scavenger Hunt 
    • Read the questions before reading the passage. Save time and do not read the answer choices.
    • Highlight key words in each question such as: “main idea,” “compare,” or “in the beginning of the passage…”. 
    • Also highlight any unusual words or words you are unsure of. You can try to use context clues from the reading passage or the answer choices to determine the meaning later.

What is Artsonia?

What is Artsonia?

Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Every child at James Dobson School has an online art gallery to preserve their masterpieces for all time!

So far, we have 1,095 pieces of art published by our talented artists.  Visit Artsonia to check out artwork by your child, as well as other artists in our school.  To receive email notifications every time your child publishes a new piece, you can join your student's fan club.  Fan club members also have the ability to comment on their child's artwork and leave notes of encouragement.

Artsonia also provides a way for Dobson to fund raise for the Graphic Arts program.  Twenty percent of every item purchased in the Artsonia Giftshop, featuring student artwork, comes back directly to Dobson to buy art supplies such as glue, pencils, paper, mat boards, and printer ink for the Graphic Arts Lab.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Parent Volunteers: Library Helpers Still Needed

Parent Volunteers: Library Helpers Still Needed

Dobson has been without a librarian for the last few years.  Because of this, we are in need of parent volunteers to come in and work with Ms. Tierney and Ms. Paldino to help re-scan and inventory all of the books in the Library.  The more helpers we have, the less time the library will have to be closed for student use.

We cannot complete this large task without your help.  If you are able to donate any of your time during the week of March 3rd, please sign and return the bottom of this letter to Ms. Paldino by February 21st.

Copies of this letter were sent home today with all students.  If you are available in any of the times listed below, please e-mail 

 We still need helpers in times highlighted below.

AM (9am-11am)
PM (1:30-3:00)
Tuesday, March 4th
Wednesday, March 5th
Thursday, March 6th

Friday, March 7th

Sunday, February 23, 2014



SWEBS FOCUS:  Rule #3-I will be prepared and in class on time.

Dobson is conducting a mid-year Library review. 
All currently checked-out library books were due on Friday, February 21st
If you have not returned your books, please do so on Monday, February 24th.



Monday, February 24th

  •  If you haven't already turned in your checked out Library books to your classroom teacher, please do so today!!
    • Parents- If you are able to donate anytime to help us reorganize our Library, please let Ms. Paldino know by either returning the form that was sent home last week, or through email at

Friday, February 28th 

  • 1st and 2nd grade field trip

 If you missed your Parent/Teacher conference due to the snow days and would like to meet with your son or daughter's teacher, please contact the main office.


Constructed Response 
  •  Read the constructed response prompt or “essay” question before you start reading the passage.
  • Highlight or underline things you are asked to do, statements like: Explain the main idea... Describe the character... Use 3 examples from the passage... 
  • Keep the prompt in the back of your mind while you are reading. 
  • During reading, you can mark places in the passage that you could use in your response. 

Mark your calendar

  • March 3rd: Dr. Seuss Day 
  • March 4th-7th: Mid-year Library Clean up and Review.  Parent volunteers needed to help reorganize the library!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Help Us Reorganize Our Library!

Dobson Families-

As we close the 2nd marking period, Dobson is going to go through a mid-year Library review and cleanup.  In order to make this happen as quickly and efficiently as possible, we are going to require that all currently checked-out library books be returned to Dobson by Friday, February 21st. 

To help maintain our students’ love of reading and ease of access to books, we must make sure that our library is in the best shape possible.  Reading exercises our brains. Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain than, say, watching TV is. Reading strengthens brain connections and actually builds new connections.

Dobson has been without a librarian for the last few years.  Because of this, we are in need of parent volunteers to come in and work with Ms. Tierney and Ms. Paldino to help re-scan and inventory all of the books in the Library.  The more helpers we have, the less time the library will have to be closed for student use.

We cannot complete this large task without your help.  If you are able to donate any of your time during the week of March 3rd, please sign and return the bottom of this letter to Ms. Paldino by February 21st. 

Thank you-

Ms. Cruice, Principal

Copies of this letter were sent home today with all students.  If you are available in any of the times listed below, please e-mail

AM (9am-11am)
PM (1:30-3:00)
Tuesday, March 4th

Wednesday, March 5th

Thursday, March 6th

Friday, March 7th

Please Note:  The James Dobson Home and School email address is  If you need to contact the Home and School Association for any reason, please do so using this address.